# Sip: Custom Formats
Custom formats are the secret weapon for developers. If you create custom formats, you can paste the exact colour code you need, comments and all.
Start by clicking the menu bar arrow and then the burger icon. Select Custom Format, which should show a window for making your new creation.
In the custom format modal, you can add functions and text in a JSON format. All the available customizations outside of text are in the help dropdown and can easily be copy/pasted into place.
The first place to start is on the Magnifier Format tab. Enter something basic that will give you a nice display when using the loupe. Then, switch to the Clipboard Format tab and create your masterpiece.
In Sip 1 used to allow a plain string with valid placeholders. That's no longer the case for Sip 2 and all custom formats must be valid JSON. If you only want a simple string, use the concat()
function and leave the second string empty.
# Basic Magnifier format
"function": "concat",
"x": "[name]: ",
"y": "#hex[red]hex[green]hex[blue]"
# SCSS Variable declaration
"function": "concat",
"x": {
"y": " ",
"function": "strreplace",
"x": {
"x": "$color-[name]",
"function": "lower"
"z": "_"
"y": ": HSLA(css[hue], css[saturation]%, css[lightness]%, css[alpha]) // #hex[red]hex[green]hex[blue]\n"
# SCSS Variable Call
"z": "_",
"x": {
"x": "$color-[name]",
"function": "lower"
"y": " ",
"function": "strreplace"
Custom formats can also be shared. For the two advanced formats above, I've linked to a format file that can be imported into Sip.
For a good explanation on why you don’t need some special naming convention, read through: davidwalsh.name/sass-color-variables-dont-suck (opens new window)