# Max-width with Grid

With grid we can manage the max-width from within our grid declarations. The secret is to use minmax() with a little calc magic for the expected grid and have two additional columns (one on each side of the grid) set to 1fr (14 columns in our example). The minmax values are calculated first and whatever remains is split between our outside columns.


.grid {
  /* gap reduction is $gap / (internal columns / internal gaps) === 12/11 === 1.09 */
  /* $gap: 2rem; */
  /* $container-max-width: 900px */
  /* grid-template-columns: 1fr repeat(12, minmax(0, #{($container-max-width / 12) - ($gap / [GAP REDUCTION])})) 1fr; */

  grid-template-columns: 1fr repeat(12, minmax(0, calc( (900px / 12) - (2rem / 1.09) ))) 1fr;

# Update!

This math can be even easier and I'm not sure how I missed it the first time around.


.grid {
  /* $gap: 2rem; */
  /* $container-max-width: 900px */
  /* grid-template-columns: 1fr repeat(12, minmax(0, #{($container-max-width - (11 * $gap) / 12)})) 1fr; */

  grid-template-columns: 1fr repeat(12, minmax(0, calc((900px - (11 * 2rem)) / 12))) 1fr;

See the Pen Grid with Max-width by Dave Cross (@davecross) on CodePen.