# Grid-Gap Gotcha

Anything other than a centered gap will be off if column count isn’t equal. This is because the number of gaps have to be equal β€” Grid subtracts the gaps and distributes the remainder.

The way to avoid these misalignments is to always have the same number of gaps and use grid-template-auto to span columns.

  1fr    1fr    1fr  
|      |      |      |  
|  a   |  b   |  c   |  
|      |      |      |  
  2fr          1fr  
|            |       |  
|  a         |  b    |  πŸ˜’  
|            |       |  
  1fr    1fr    1fr  
|      |      |      |  
|  a   |  a   |  b   |  πŸ˜€  
|      |      |      |  

See the Pen Grid-Gap Gotcha by Dave Cross (@davecross) on CodePen.